In the Garden…

July 6, 2023 The cow panel arches in the main garden are currently supporting all the pole beans, squashes and cucumbers. They make it easier to harvest, allow harvesting in the shade, and free up some space below for plants that need a little relief from the...


July 7, 2023 I love my chive border in the orchard. Not only is it pretty and helps define the space, it is an important part of a “fruit guild”, a community of plants that support each other. Chives act as both a pollinator attractor and a pest deterrent....


June 7, 2023 December 2022 brought a record setting flash freeze to Middle Tennessee, with temperatures dropping almost 52 degrees in a matter of hours. Everyone has been waiting with bated breath to see what did not survive, what was damaged, and what came through...


July 7, 2023 Like most gardeners, I DESPISE squash bugs and vine borers. I’ve tried all sorts of remedies – netting and companion planting with borage, just to name a few. The squash bugs win. Read more